Our Vision: Simplifying Life, One Click at a Time

Our Journey: Making Life Easier for You
At Billsy, brought to you by One Click Apps, we believe that life is too short for tedious tasks.

That's why we're dedicated to developing innovative, one-click solutions that handle the mundane, so you can focus on what truly matters.
Our goal
To create something that genuinely makes a difference in your daily life.

Billsy is our first step – a friendly app that takes the hassle out of bill payments.

But that's just the beginning. We're dreaming big, and we want you to be a part of it.

Why We Do What We Do

  • Time is Precious: We understand that your time is valuable. By automating routine tasks like bill payments, we give you back hours to spend on your passions, family, and personal growth.
  • Technology as a Tool: We see technology not as a replacement for human experience, but as a tool to enhance it. Our apps are designed to seamlessly integrate into your life, providing convenience without complexity.
  • Simplifying the Complicated: Life's complexities are inevitable, but managing them shouldn't be a burden. Our solutions are crafted to make complex tasks simple, intuitive, and quick.
team members

based in Cape Town South Africa
total funding
year founded

Looking Ahead: A Future of One Click Apps

With Billsy leading the way, we're constantly exploring new avenues to make your life more manageable, more joyful. We're all about finding new solutions, one click at a time, and we can’t wait to share them with you.